For any of you that read the previous post about being banned from Alternet, you'll appreciate the fact that I've sent two or three messages to the admins from that site asking specifically why I was banned. No reply to date.
Well, the same (almost) can now be said of Mother Jones. I say 'almost' because I've yet to send a 2nd message... Coming soon.
So one day I was having some fun with an article they posted Mia Love: Representative From Nowhere on MJ's website.
As you can imagine, the comments section was rife with disparaging remarks on this young, intelligent, conservative rising star. All I did was simply call them out as the racist woman-haters they all are. I did include reminders on how often their side plays the race card. This, of course, was either justified ("Hey, if she's an idiot, we call her out on it!"), or flat out denied. I was astounded at how many of them jumped to the position that she's very well deserving of the disgusting remarks whereas any criticism of anyone on the left is straight up racism, no argument, no matter how you present the reasons you oppose someone's politics. Like y'know, the debate is over, the science is settled, etc....
I would also like to point out that anytime I brought up ANY conservative that is not white (Allen West, Walter E Williams, Thomas Sowell, Condi Rice, David Webb, Tim Scott, Raffi Williams to name a few) the replies were along the vein of "Uncle Tom, House N****r, sell out, mentally unbalanced, you get the gist.
The point of this post is, Alternet and MJ banned me even though I did not violate any of their rules (or at least they've failed to make it clear which rule(s) I violated). I simply presented them (and their followers) with a look in the mirror; something libs frown upon it seems. Until I get answers from them, the fact IS, they simply banned me because they didn't like my message and their faithful parrots couldn't argue very effectively against me, period. Back in the holler I grew up in we called folks like this pussies.
If you have the time (or stomach) I recommend a visit to these sites and take a look at not only some of the snore/snort-worthy articles, but especially the comments section. All too often the article is a stretch taking remarks out of context or flat-out making crap up. Another source of entertainment is the comments section. Most comments are aping what the author said only with more colorful language. The occasional opposing viewpoint that shows up there (like mine) is met with nothing but name calling and projection constantly 'evaluating' us and telling us stuff like, how we think, what our religion is, how much we hate women, yada yada yada. I especially love the ones that reply with, "you really seemed intelligent at first but..." as if any of us care what one there would think. My personal faves are when a reply consists of nothing more than name calling (like this invalidates our remarks somehow?).
Still standing patiently by awaiting a response from one of these sites to explain, in detail, along with a reference to their own policies of which I violated. Not holding my breath...
With respect
Beards and Bow Ties left our political scene around 1890 or so. Prior to this, elected 'leaders' actually upheld and defended the Constitution, y'know, like the Oath of Office requires? Coincidence? I don’t think so.
The Legend

Monday, November 17, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Being Banned from Alternet
A few months back a friend of mine posted an article from "Alternet" concerning why public schools suck so badly these day. The article was complete rubbish but what fascinated me were the comments section (as is the case with nearly every article I read). The *ahem* article was focused on how the religious right are at fault for the failing public schools. As I said... rubbish. The comments section was overflowing with noting but sycophantic yes-men all chiming in with nothing but total agreement with a heaping pile of tired cliches (e.g. Republikkkans are the devil, they hate women, they hate poor people, want to see them all drink dirty water and die, and various other gems).
Enter The Bearded Bow Tie Guy (that's me, queue dramatic music). With one simple post asking them to prove the misogyny and racism, it exploded. I received SO many replies to this with all sort of "proof" such as "the proof is in the pudding!" and "how can you not see that?" and my personal fave.. "You're obviously too obtuse to think on our level here." Ahh.... the fond memories. I digress...
Recent case of the Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson MO drew a lot of the same comments. Some were, sorry to say, EXTREMELY racist toward white people. I know that most of you on the left are like... "so? that's acceptable!" WRONG!! If you mark out ANY group of people and make comments akin to extermination, you are no better than the swastika sporting knee boots that stomped all over Europe mid last century. If you sanction those acts, yes, even by "liking" them or "voting them up," you're wearing the shiny black knee boots too my friend.
So, by asking the same questions and painting scenarios for them to try and get them to see their racism, I got the boot from their site. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Note to self: slide that one on the calendar as a red-letter day. There was no explanation and no reply to my inquiry why as of this posting.
NONE of my postings were racist in any way shape or form. Unless of course you're an overly sensitive liberal or girlyman. But I repeat myself...
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